Monday, 12 August 2013

Another bike ride and more caches

Sunday, June 23. 2013

As the first 'Geocaching Ride' appeared to have been fun for those who took part Joyce opted for a follow-up.  This time we had more 'takers' as my son Kevin joined in, as he happened to be visiting, and also Fiona (I think) and Leonie and Ferdy.

As neither Kevin, nor Fiona, Leonie and Ferdy had come on the first ride we made for Here (4) again.  And yes, this time some action photos...  As you can see, sunny weather and almost clear skies.  Perfect weather for a ride.

Here (4)

We moved on to Pirate Park where we had a thorough search and also had to keep some little pirates at bay, in geocaching talk called 'muggles'. If my memory serves me right this time it was Leonie who eventually discovered the cache in a more or less akward spot.  Well done!

Pirate Park
Sail Away at Bob's Pond was the next one on the list, but, as sometimes is the case, not all searches are successful.  This one too had been 'muggled' or at least disappeared.  As I had logged it some time ago I remembered where it should be, but... no cache was to be found.  After a thorough search Kevin discovered the possible lid of what had supposedly been the cache container, so a 'did not find' had to be logged for this one. Upon a check-up, the cache has now temporarily been disabled.

Sail away at Bob's Pond
While on Sunderland Drive we kept going and also searched for a cache at the Arts Centre. A tricky one, this one, but I remembered a similar one from our holiday in France, so it didn't take long for me to cry: "I've got it!"

Creative Hub

Behind the Arts Centre is another hidden cache, and the search for this one led us through a beautiful native garden...

and on to a small, quiet pond with waterlilies:
Walk the Water Hole
This one I had already done with the grandchildren, so I enjoyed the peace and quiet of the surroundings, while I left the search to the others.  Kevin was the one who discovered this one, but Ferdy wasn't far off either.

Again we finished the morning with a cuppa.  This time at the Arts Centre.

Bob, Joyce, Kevin, Leonie, Ferdy

We each went our own way after this and Kevin and I, who just can't seem to get enough of this great outdoor adventure, rode past Melba Park and stopped at the train rides.

Marion waiting patiently :-)

This place we had search high and low in January with the whole family.  None of us had been able to find this cache, but Kevin wanted to have another go too after having learned that I had been able to log it.  He did find it, but again, it is a very tricky one and a micro at that.  This is not the one, but it is the size of what is called a 'micro' and it even contains a log:

Small?  Look at the size of the log...

Does this geocaching look like fun to you?  I am sure that Joyce will organise another Sunday morning ride like this, if we ask.  There are plenty more caches on Bribie Island and I know a few on the way to, and in Ningi as well.  After all, there are close to 2.2 million caches out there and 6 million geocachers worldwide...

In the meantime, enjoy all your rides.

Marion van der Donk

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