Monday, 12 August 2013

Geocaching for Beginners!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

No, you are not reading the wrong blog!  The BUGs are real adventurers...  Joyce came up with the novel idea to combine our bike ride with a lesson in geocaching.  Geocaching, if you haven't heard of it yet, is a kind of treasure hunt with the help of a navigator or GPS.  If you want to find out more before you read on to see what we've been up to, have a look at the following link:

As my memory is like the proverbial sieve I cannot remember all who joined in the search, although I do remember Bob and Joyce of course and Sandra who came along as the real 'newbie'.  I myself came along for the fun, because with approx. 80 caches to my name I am starting to consider myself as a more 'seasoned' cacher. :-)

The first one we went in search of was Here (4).  

This was rather funny, because Joyce will now laugh when she reads that I call myself a 'seasoned' cacher, as I had the cache in my hands and thought that I had picked up something that I shouldn't have.....

Bribie Island Lifestyle was the next one we went in search of.  As I didn't have a camera I can again only show a picture of the place where the cache was supposed to be.  I am saying 'supposed to', because the cache was never found, although at the time of writing this blog I can tell you that it is back in place again.  It had disappeared and the cache was temporarily disabled.  I am happy to tell you that I have been able to log it on the 1st of this month.

The above picture is again one I pinched from Google Earth.  It was apparently taken before the big sign was placed, at the roundabout when you come off the bridge on the Bribie Island side.

The ride then took us to the Bribie Seaside Museum and the cache by the same name.  As I had found this one before I did not take part of the search, and it was not a hard one for even beginners.

An old picture this time, from approx. 2009 when the museum was built.  I do apologise for the lack of 'action photos', but I will make up for it in my next posting.

Another one on the way was Full Head of Steam, at Melba Park.  This time I was the lucky one to find it, but I have to be honest and tell you that I had asked another geocacher for a further hint.  Not that I was told exactly, but I had a better idea and it did help.  A very tricky one indeed.  In Janyary we had searched with the whole family.  Later I went twice with the grandchildren.  So, I was very happy to get this one on my list.

As Joyce and Bob had a different membership than I had, they had a cache on their list that I hadn't, so a new one for me.  This one was called: Buckley's Hole, and guess where that was..... ;-)  This was a very small one again, but not too difficult to find.

As we had been lucky so far that the rain held off we called it a day and went for a cuppa at my place to finish a perfect morning.

See you next time around.

Marion van der Donk

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